Why Does My Cat Lick Me So Much And Then Bite Me?
Why Does My Cat Lick Me So Much And Then Bite Me?
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Why Does My Cat Lick Me So Much And Then Bite Me?

As a cat owner, you can sometimes be puzzled by your cat’s behavior. Ever wondered why they always rub their head or body on you at times? Well, mine has never told me either. Some of you could be even wondering, “ Why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me? ”

Those who specialize in cat Psychology say that these are some of the ways our cats show their affection to us. It could also mean that they are happy and just being playful. But these are just allegations; no one can really tell whether this is true or not. This is because nobody can tell for sure what is always going inside the brain of your little friend.

Today, let us try to figure out our cats and try to decode what these body languages could be, particularly the licking.

What does it mean when your feline friend licks you?

What does it mean when your feline friend licks you?

If only cats could talk. Lots of us could spend the whole day talking with them. They are just so cute. Or does yours talk to you? If yours can talk to you, could we swap? It seems like they are always telling us something, but we just can’t get it. If yours bites, then you are not alone.

They lick us, bite us, meow looking straight at us and do all kind of adorable stuff. The one that baffles me most is “ why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me? ” Could she be tenderizing that part before eating it? Probably not, but you shouldn’t rule it out either. Here are possible reasons for his behavior.


If your cat bites, then you are not alone

If only cats could talk. Lots of us could spend the whole day talking with them. They are just so cute. Or does yours talk to you? If yours can talk to you, could we swap? It seems like they are always telling us something, but we just can’t get it. If yours bites, then you are not alone.

They lick us, bite us, meow looking straight at us and do all kind of adorable stuff. The one that baffles me most is “ why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me? ” Could she be tenderizing that part before eating it? Probably not, but you shouldn’t rule it out either. Here are possible reasons for his behavior.


As cats play, they occasionally lick and bite one another

As cats play, they occasionally lick and bite one another. It is kittens who are more prone to this sort of playing style. When still littermates, and the play “gets out of hand,” mom calms things down by squealing at the kittens.

The kittens that leave the litter at an early age do not stop this behavior and continue to play rough. They sometimes grow into adults who lick too much and bite their owners as you two play.So, you should not get too tensed if your cat starts to lick your finger. She will not eat you. Again, teaching her that this behavior is unacceptable is very important. That is only if you are uncomfortable. There are some unique cat owners out there who like it when their cats take a nibble at your finger.

Seeking your attention

She could be in the mood to play or be petted

Why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me? Brad Kit here probably wants my attention. After all, cats are known to lick their owners and take a little bite when they feel ignored. Why do you ignore your cat anyway? Your cat will obviously get annoyed when she is trying to seek your attention, and you keep ignoring her. Just imagine putting yourself in her shoes, you would do the same.

She could be in the mood to play or be petted, and you are not feeling her vibe. It is like when they were young. The kittens would bite one another as a way of wanting to play with one another. They carry forward this behavior and think of you as the “big bro” she used to have.

Just play a little, and she would stop nagging you for a while until she again feels like having a crack at some other game with you. So it is not strange if your cat licks you then stares at you. She is just trying to convince you to join her so that you can attend to her.

You are being groomed

You are being groomed

It is not only you who has the monopoly of grooming your cat. Your cat may also want to scratch your back in return. Your arm covered in cat saliva may not be in your definition of being clean, but Kitty believes she is doing an amazing scrubbing job.

In a litter, there is always that one cat that is responsible for grooming the others when mom is not around. You may have just owned one such cat. She always feels like you are one of her other cats that she is entitled to take care of. You therefore always need grooming once in a while.

There is an interesting taste on you

There is an interesting taste on you

When it comes to sniffing out something that tastes like food, trust your “Brad Kit” to figure out where it is from. If you spill something on you and she gets wind of the scent, it is common for the cat to lick at the spot to have a taste.

It is sometimes not a spill or anything, but just the salt that builds up on your skin. Some cats find this taste very interesting and nibble at it. They may get carried away and think it is some kind of meat and take a bite. This is probably the answer to the question “ why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me ” question I normally ask myself.

The cat is stressed

The cat is stressed

When the kitten is suffering from separation anxiety, because of being separated from the littermates and mom, they are bound to lick and bite on the owner at times. The same way you have ways of expressing your anger violently by smashing things or shouting at the top of your voice, your Brad Kit will simply lick you and go ahead to bite at times. This method of relieving stress in the cat’s world is considered as the most violent way of expressing their anger. Cats are very funny!

In extreme cases, the cat may suckle on your skin or clothing. She finds this action comforting when she is feeling insecure or stressed. You can let the cat continue feeling at home on you or redirect her elsewhere if it makes you spooky.

You can walk away, offer her a treat or distract her attention with a toy. Another option is using cat pheromone products to ease her anxiety issues. Whichever action you choose should not be in any way harmful to your feline friend.

As a result of overstimulation

As a result of overstimulation

When a cat becomes overstimulated during prolonged playtime, some lick their owners and bite too. The tail twitches and she gives you that “annoyed look.” It is at this point that some cats bite people.

I do not think this particular one answers my “ why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me ” concerns. My cat has never experienced this over-stimulation thing before. Perhaps you have experienced it with your cat so I can’t really overrule it.

But here is a video of an apparently over-stimulated cat.

And it seems it is a common concern among cat owners. This time lady luck has been on my side as I would not probably like seeing my Brad Kit twitching like that.

Stopping your cat from licking and biting

Stopping your cat from licking and biting

Your cat licking and subsequently biting you is more often out of love, affection, and adoration towards you. Getting her to stop could jeopardize your relationship. All in all, there are those who feel uneasy when being licked.  How do you stop this behavior without being rude or interfering with your relationship?

  1. To stop this behavior, apply something that is easy on your skin but tastes bad to the cat. As soon as the cat gets the taste, she will stop. This could be problematic if Mr. Clever starts to associate the bad taste with you.
  2. Redirect the cat to other actions like playing with a toy or giving her a treat. You could also walk away and move faces away if the cat likes licking your face. Walking away informs the cat that you a no-go zone for licks and bites.

Conclusion: Why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me?

Just because she loves me

Why does my cat lick me so much and then bite me? It is simple; she loves me. So, I believe.  It may be because of other reasons, but I strive to remain positive. There is no point of thinking of a negative idea as the reason why your cat always keeps licking and biting you. Your cat also has that good heart as long as you treat her well, I don’t think she will have that any ill motive towards you.

Of course, the reasons why you cat licks and sometimes bites you may vary from cat to cat, so you have to figure out what your feline friend is actually trying to tell you. This is especially if the cat is a little serious with the bite.

Blu the Bengal

I am a Female 3 year Bengal Crossbreed from London, UK